Sisterlocks-Look I am a beautiful butterfly

I have been in a natural hair cocoon for seven years. I started this blog to chronicle the life and times of my sisterlocks. And from time to time any other random thing that suites my fancy or draws my ever so curious mind. You are welcomed to drop me a comment anytime and feel free to link to this blog. ***Please do not copy my photos without my expressed permission***

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Blogger Snob!!!

Ya'll I would like to offer my sincerest apologies. On Saturday I decided I wanted to learn more about the blogging world. What did I do? Well a lot, I was playing with everything...I mean so many of ya'll have beautiful blogs how could I resist! I ended up changing my comment settings to have me moderate all know like a Blogger Big Brother. I am so sorry for those of you who left comments and could not see them until now. One of my girlfriends call me today and said she could not see her comments...M'excuser (seven long years of French and that's all I got people)


  • At 11:09 AM, Blogger Creyole said…

    Welcome ot blogging and I'm still trying to figure out how I missed your blog intro.

    Looking forward to reading more.



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