I saw Alvin Ailey on Friday night. After such an inspirational performance I decided to recommit myself to my love of dance...therefore I bought this pain on myself.
I am recovering from a brutal Jazz dance class. Brutal. You know it is going to be bad when the teacher says,"I am going to work every muscle hard... you may wish to stretch good." Mind you I have taken: ballet, African, tap, yoga, pilate...but I have never seen anything like this class. I thought he would teach the fundamentals of Jazz dance?? Nooooo. He believes in "hittin' the ground running." So for Valentine's day, I may have to bring out my clutches from this summer (I will blog about this at a later date).
This mean little man pushed my poor unexpecting body to a new low. ( I am being dramatic...) He was like a little energizer bunny...meanwhile I just kept my eye on the clock...8:00 p.m. could not come soon enough. In the middle of some complex mind-boggling set I asked him if he was certain that this was the beginner class? He said, " Work BOO, Just work it, let me see those hips move!" I started sweating' (during stretching mine you) and the Mean little teacher caught a glimpse...he said, "sweating' already...that's okay cause you ain't seen nothing yet." ...I swallowed hard and tried to remember why I wanted to put myself through this torment in the first place... I will subject myself to any torment just to get as far away from the gym as possible. With few notiable exceptions, the gym tends to be a meat market...not quite my bag baby:)
After class was over...I actually felt good but during... I wanted to scream, "make it stop Little Mean Teacher! Make it Stop!)
Darn, Alvin Aliey...and Judith Jamison for making a gal dream.
On an positive note there were more than seven sisters with Sisterlocks at the Alvin Ailey performance! And by the way, my girls held up well during Jazz dance I wish I could say the same for my body!